Preparing for... Packages

Got a big life change coming up? Want to develop a better understanding of yourself and/or your relationship and think about how to apply this to a transition you're about to face?

Whether you're getting married, about to become a parent, having a career change, starting university - anything where you feel you'd benefit from some reflection time before rather than trying to do the work during or after! - Enneagram work can be so helpful.

My Preparing For... packages include:

  • A typing session for you, and your partner if this is a couples thing
  • An application session where we think about how knowing about your type will help you in the upcoming period
  • A reflection session during or after the transition period so we can think about how you're applying this knowledge and what else would be helpful for you to work on now

You can also buy this package as a gift for someone and I will send out a tailored gift voucher depending on what it's for!

Individual: £250
Couples: £350

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